Saturday, July 24, 2010

Art in action

It's great to watch people on fire. When someone burns with passion for what they do, they exude a kind of joy that people just have to look at. I got to be in a room full of passionate people last night.

The fundraiser for "The Subliminal Rabbit Presents" was packed with people. The passionate energy created by the fiery people in the room was even more fragrant than the appetizers they served. So many people in the community pulled together to donate all kinds of wonderful things as both door prizes and auction items. Incredible hand-painted clothing, original gallery-quality photos, pen-and-ink work, a wine-making kit, gift cards for services like massage - even a brand-new mountain bike! I believe the evening was a marvelous success and surely hope that these folks who believe so deeply in their work were funded handsomely.

When people come together around something they feel strongly about, so many wonderful things can happen. I was honored to participate in something bigger than myself last night. Thanks again, Jean, for involving me in your dream!


  1. Your posts are very inspiring. I just met a lady today selling jewlerey that she made at her yard sale and its amazing how inspiring artists can be. Using your talents to share with others and inspire others truly is God's gift.
